
Boost Your Online Presence With LinkedIn

Boost Your Online Presence with LinkedIn

It was an exciting way of learning. I had the opportunity to learn a new learning management system called Canvas, that are used by many schools and universities.

Canvas vs Moodle

I never used Canvas before, but it reminded me of Moodle, another learning management system too. But Canvas seems so much easier to use, I think. I wasn’t able to import my Moodle course that I created two years ago for my Capstone project, but a good thing I couldn’t because when I looked back into creating a new profile, everything changed.

After creating my online course in Canvas, I hit publish. But, I didn’t get to launch for the world to see or anything like that. It seems I need administrative permissions to do so. Instead, the course is now somewhere in limbo-land!

What does that have to do with LinkedIn?

Well, the course that I created in Canvas was how to create a LinkedIn profile. I did develop a half-dozen of videos for the course, and I figured I might as well post them online as I know future students of mine may use it one day when they are close to graduating from their programs. As well, it will give me a chance to catch up a bit here as well!

So starting tomorrow and the next couple of weeks, come back to this blog and for a series of videos on LinkedIn.


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