
Adding Images in Figma

How to Add Images to Figma

Welcome, design enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a journey to breathe life into your Figma wireframe. Buckle up as we transition from lo-fi to hi-fi, adding a dash of interactivity along the way. But before we dive into the realm of enhancements, let’s master the art of incorporating images into our Figma project.

Four Different Ways to Place an Image into Figma

Drag and Drop

  • First in line is the classic drag-and-drop maneuver.
  • Effortlessly whisk an image into Figma, granting you the liberty to reshape and resize at will (remember to keep that ‘Shift’ key engaged for proportional resizing).

Copy and Paste

  • Alternatively, employ the tried-and-true copy-paste duo with keyboard shortcuts—Command C (Mac) or Control C (PC) followed by Command V (Mac) or Control V (PC).
  • Like the drag-and-drop dance, this method grants you the freedom to sculpt and resize your pasted image.

Main Menu – File – Place

  • For those who prefer the scenic route, venture into the main menu (look for the ‘F’ icon)!
  • Navigate to File > Place an Image, and follow the prompts to infuse your project with visual flair.

Fill Swatch

Yet, my personal favorite involves a simple dance with shapes. Click on your chosen shape, explore the fill swatch on the right, and summon the ‘image’ icon. Watch as your shape transforms into a canvas, ready to embrace your selected image. The added bonus? Fine-tune exposure, contrast, and saturation with intuitive sliders—always non-destructive, preserving the original essence.

Fill options, explore Fit, Crop, and Tile

Within the Fill options, explore Fit, Crop, and Tile. Fill engulfs the entire shape, while Fit ensures the image covers the shape without extending beyond its borders—adaptive and always visible.

Crop introduces boundary line customization, allowing you to conceal portions of the image beyond these boundaries, retaining the unchanged core content.

As for Tile—well, let’s just say it’s an acquired taste. This option replicates the same image to fill the shape, with the liberty to tweak dimensions by adjusting the percentage value.

In the realm of Figma, adding images is an art. Whether it’s the elegance of drag-and-drop, the efficiency of copy-pasting, or the scenic route via the main menu, Figma invites you to play with effects and tailor how your images embrace your shapes. The canvas is yours—paint boldly!