
Adding Profile Photo

How to Add a Photo to LinkedIn

Add a photo to your LinkedIn profile? Yes, Smart move, a photo makes your profile more credible.  

Watch today’s tutorial, how to add your photo to LinkedIn. Make sure you have a high-quality photograph of yourself. If possible, use a professional photo that represents your industry. Your picture should be current, precise, professional, and an expression of you, preferably the smiling one. 

I am going to use a stock image of an Iron Chef host. Ramen Steak’s profile will be deleted when I am done creating the course and videos (because there isn’t a real person named!)

Some things to consider when placing your image into LinkedIn:

  1. Click on the initial of your name where your photo will be located.
  2. The image will be sized to 400 pixels by 400 pixels. Let’s say it’s about 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches.
  3. Click on Change Photo
  4. Upload an image. (if a professional photo is not possible, maybe a friend who is handy with a DSLR can not one of you. Don’t use your computer’s camera, the photo isn’t the best quality. 
  5. Locate your image on your computer
  6. Reposition the photo within the circle
  7. Click on Save photo

Congratulations, now you have a face behind your profile! 

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