
Typography Guidelines

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Typography Guidelines

Should you distort your text? Horizontal or vertical scale? Should we bold everything and use ALL CAPS throughout the website to get my point across? Should we small type for all our body copy so that we can get as much information on the page? Which word is distorted? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any […]


How to Use Artboards In Illustrator

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While working with a client, the client may need a logo, business cards, letterhead, envelopes to website design, forms, and favicons. What is the purpose of having artboards? Think of it as pages to a file. Artboards can be different sizes and orientations and can be arranged depending on your workflow. Although, the more artboards […]

30-Day Challenge

Wireframes – InVision

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InVision example to a make believe website

There are so many different applications, software and programs that one could use as a user experience (UX) designer. Besides Balsamiq, Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch, one could also use the standard one InVision. Although InVision Studio has been out for the past year and a bit, InVision is a bare-bones application that not only works […]