30-Day Challenge

Scope Creep

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Scope Creep definition highlighted

What is Scope Creep?  No, it’s not about the weird person sitting across from you at the coffee shop?! After a project begins, uncontrolled or controlled issues may move slowly and bigger from its original goals or what was originally promised to the project proposal or budgets. Scope creep happens when the project is not […]

30-Day Challenge

Let’s Get It Started In Here

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Mood board from Pinterest. Artist: Patricia of fancygirldesignstudio.com

Let’s Get Going… For the sake of this post, and the client is happy with the estimate with no changes for a business website design for a cleaning service business. The client has signed the letter of engagement, and they have emailed a copy of the signed document. Do keep this letter until the final […]

30-Day Challenge

Payment to Start the Project?

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Sample Invoice

After reading the previous post, ‘Protecting Yourself from Non-Paying Clients,’ a sample was uploaded and on the Letter of Engagement, you may have noticed three lines of text on fees: Fees: List the fees.   Starting deposit is required when the project begins (40%) Final payment required on project completion (60%) Starting Deposit to Start the […]

30-Day Challenge

Costs? Estimates? Quotes?

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Tom Cruise as Jerry Maguire, 'Show me the money!'

Show me the money! After you have met with the client, and you have gathered information, it’s back to work and figure out how much the job will be. Unfortunately, there is no secret formula for knowing how much to charge for your work. Over time, you get experience from having to do it over […]

30-Day Challenge

Designer Experience First Start!

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First Person Icon

I applied for many graphic design jobs after graduating from school. It’s true I wasn’t qualified for the senior positions, nor even for the vice president positions, but I figure entry-level or junior positions would be okay? The only thing you need is one person who says ‘yes.’ If I remember correctly, my first job […]