
From Adobe XD to Code with Anima

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From Adobe XD to Anima - Using Anima to HTML, CSS and React code

We’re back for another tutorial for Adobe XD. Last time, we looked at how to search for and install a plugin called Icons 4 Design. This tutorial will help you continue your workflow by looking at a different plugin. From the get-go, we created wireframes, used our wireframes to build our mockup, then made the […]


Using Toggle States in Adobe XD

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What are some reasons or ways to use toggle states in Adobe XD? What are some reasons or ways to use toggle states in Adobe XD? Toggle State allows you to create components with toggle behaviour, such as a toggle button, radio button, or even a checkbox. Some might think, hey, the hover state can […]


Black Friday Web Hosting 2021 Special

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Looking for a great deal on web hosting? There are many hosting companies that offer a variety of services, including speed, uptime, customer service, and tech support. Finding a deal on anything is never a shabby idea. It is not right for anyone to pay twice as much as they have to for the same […]


Hover to Tap Trigger in Adobe XD

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If you are working from nothing, to speed up the mockup process, I recommend creating a wireframe first. This will ensure the interface functions as expected. Then, drag your artwork into the wireframe. Here are some videos to help you get started. Users of Photoshop may import files into Adobe XD. For help, watch this […]


How to Create a Star in Adobe XD

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We are now able to create a heart shape easily in Adobe XD. Before, we were creating our mockups in Photoshop, possibly with glyphs or SVG heart icons. Creating hearts has never been easier in Adobe XD. Create your own in seconds! From the toolbar on the left, select the triangle. Drag a triangle on […]


Creating Masks in Adobe XD

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Here we are with another post and video for Adobe XD, this time we will talk about creating masks. While using Adobe XD, your mask can sometimes unmask itself, or you can create a new mask from scratch. Using keyboard shortcuts, shapes, and other methods are available for achieving this. A wireframe was created in […]


How to Create a Horizontal Scrolling Effect

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In our previous video, I demonstrated how to create a vertical scrolling effect. Let’s do the opposite and create a horizontal scrolling effect. Yes, you guessed correctly, you saw this one coming, didn’t you? Flipping a switch is all it takes to create horizontal scrolling, very similar to how vertical scrolling was created. Let’s Get […]


How to Create a Vertical Scrolling Effect

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In our previous video, I showed you How to Create a Button Hover Effect in Adobe XD. Today, I’m going to show you How to Create a Vertical Scrolling Effect with your prototype. Using this method, you can simulate the realism of scrolling on a mobile device or a desktop website that has a single […]