
Figma File Sharing: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Share Files in Figma

Are you ready to streamline your file sharing experience in Figma? Join me as we delve into a comprehensive tutorial on optimizing your file-sharing process. As a practical example, I’ll be sharing insights from the latest Figma tutorial, focusing on the Interactive Drop-Down Accordion video. If you’ve been grappling with creating an accordion menu, fear not – I’ve got a quick fix for you. Simply copy and paste the provided solution into your files!

Tailoring to your account type is crucial when exploring sharing options. In my case, I operate under the ‘Professional’ account. However, if you’re utilizing an Enterprise account, you gain additional capabilities such as setting passwords and expiration dates for public links in your design files. This tutorial caters to Figma Professional and Educational versions, with features that resonate across different versions, albeit with some nuances.

Let’s dive in. Ensure your file is saved, then locate the prominent ‘Share’ button positioned in the top right-hand corner. Clicking it triggers a pop-up dialog box, unveiling three distinct ways to share your Figma file:

1. Direct Email Sharing
2. Community Sharing
3. Link Sharing

  1. Direct Email Sharing:

    Enter email addresses for direct sharing, with the flexibility to modify permissions for viewing or editing. Be cautious when setting it to view-only, as it may trigger an access request pop-up.

  2. Community Sharing:

    Opt to ‘Publish’ your file to the Figma Community by providing the necessary details. This opens up your design to a broader audience.

  3. Link Sharing:

    Choose my preferred method – ‘Copy the Link!’ Adjust permissions and select ‘Can Edit’ before copying the link. This link can then be easily shared via email.

Additional options include ‘Get Embed,’ offering an iFrame for embedding code into a website for viewing purposes only, and ‘Link to Selection,’ which links to a specific design element (usually turned off by default).

And there you have it! You’re now equipped to effortlessly share your files with colleagues, teammates, or clients. To put it to the test, I’ve included the ‘Shared Link’ in the description – go ahead and ‘grab the accordion or edit the file!’ Elevate your Figma collaboration with these optimized file-sharing techniques.

If you prefer to watch the video, here you go!