
How to Install and Use Icons 4 Design in Adobe XD

How to Install and Use Icons 4 Design in Adobe XD Plugin Screen

There are many different Adobe XD plugins available to help you improve your design. In this video, you will learn how to search and install plugins that will be helpful to you in the future. We will install a plugin called Icons 4 Design. One can use ‘Icons 4 Design’ during the wireframes and mockup stages of Adobe XD.

Typically, I use grey boxes with Xs to show people this is an image for lo-fi wireframes. If you are building hi-fi wireframes, icons are a popular resource. Use either method to communicate your message.

Let’s Get Started In Adobe XD

  1. You will find plugins in Adobe XD’s main menu.
  2. Scroll down and select Browse Plugins.
  3. Your Creative Cloud account will launch with a list of all plugins.
  4. Choose Icons 4 Design from the list. As luck would have it, the plugin is in the first row; if not, enter the search field and type in the plugin. It will populate the panel with results based on your keywords.
  5. Some plugins are free, while others are not. You will immediately know which of these plugins are free. As you can see, Icons 4 Design is free, whereas this plugin isn’t.
  6. Feel free to click “Get” for Icons 4 Design and then OK.
  7. When Adobe XD is finished loading the 5000+ icons, a green bar will appear at the bottom, telling you to open it.

To use the plug-in, you need to enter the type of icon that you would like in the search box, and a side panel will populate results based on the keyword. Enter a size beside the searched name and click on any of the displayed icons to place the icon at that size. Or you can also resize the icon manually, by holding the ‘Shift’ key so that the icon resizes proportionately. To place the icon on your artboard, click once on the icon.

Whenever you have an existing selection, the new icon will be placed to its right. You can also turn on the repeat grid! You can also read more about using icons in the plugin’s side panel. It’s so easy to find icons for your designs with just a few clicks.