
Identify a Good Profile Photo

Identify a Good Profile LinkedIn Photo

Use a professional photo that represents your industry. People like to do business with a face. Your picture should be current, precise, professional, and an expression of you, preferably the smiling you. Do not use a company logo, a selfie, a vacation photo, a family photo or a picture with your pet unless you are in the pet business. It is a good idea to use the same image across multiple social channels (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+) so your brand will be consistent. The photo should be 200×200 to 500×500 pixels.

Another photo blunder

Misrepresenting your appearance. You do not want to appear deceptive if you use a photo of yourselves in your early 20s, but in reality, you’re in your 30’s, 40’s or 50’s. People meeting you for the first time will not be expecting you to appear so different. And instead of listening to your answers, the person will think you’re deceptive.

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