
Optimizing Your Photos!

Man looking at photos swirling by

Do you use high-resolution images or use screenshots for your websites or use these same photos in a video? And do you optimize those same images for the web or in your video? If you nodded your head yes, then proceed to read and watch:

  1. Mac: How to Optimize your Photos with a MAC with No Photoshop or
  2. PC: Optimize Photos with a PC Without Photoshop!

What Do I Do?

  • When I create a blog post or an online video, I use high-resolution stock images, my own artwork, or take screenshots that I may be working on my computer.  What happens if my website has a ten gig maximum allowable of space?
  • Which means if I had an image file size that was one gigabyte each, that would mean I could only have ten images. That doesn’t good, does it?
  • If these ten images were on my site or in my video, do you think it would take a while to download?
  • Are you nodding your head, yes, you are correct! It will take a long time.

Would People Wait?

I know I wouldn’t, so why should I expect others to do the same?

What if I told you there was a way to make your photos optimized for the web.

  • What I usually do, I would use Photoshop to resize my images to the sizes that I may need. For example, here is a picture of a husky from Unsplash, a royalty-free image library database. The image is 5849 pixels wide or about 81 inches in width. We don’t need this image that big. Instead, we may need it to be 1920 pixels wide for the website I am designing for.
  • I use a function within Photoshop to optimize the photo. I use the ‘Save for the Web.’ If you have access to Photoshop, and you don’t know how, click on the above link to watch, ‘How to Use Saving for the Web in Photoshop.’ Now, most people who are watching this may have heard or used Photoshop. And maybe some people don’t have access to this. That’s okay.

Optimize your Photos

In the next day or two, you will learn three different ways to optimize your images:

  • Mac, no Photoshop, no problem!
  • A PC, no Photoshop, an another work-around
  • With a Mac or a PC with Photoshop
  • *Added Bonus, How to Create and Optimize Your Videos!

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