
Rounded Corners Selection in Photoshop

How to Create Rounded-Corners Using Photoshop

Hello Everyone! So, you want to create rounded corners in Photoshop so that you can either create a pill-shape button or create a poster with rounded corners? Well, this video will show you how to create rounded corners for a layer or selection in Photoshop.

This method is much easier to use than an online website that turns a picture or shape into a rounded corner object. Or creating a shape in Adobe Illustrator and placing the image in Photoshop. 

Click here for the video!

Use the Selection Tool

  1. Select the rectangle marquee tool
  2. Draw a rectangle.
  3. From the main menu, go to Select->Modify->Smooth. Enter the desired corner radius. It will depend on how big or small the shape is. I will typically go between the range of 5 to 20. Notice my rounded corner-selection?
  4. Fill the selection with whatever colour you want. Or copy an image and paste it into the section. Let’s add an image to the selection. 
  5. Let’s open an image and copy it. From the main menu, you can go to Select – Select All or use the keyboard shortcut, Command A for a MAC or Control A for a PC. Then copy it. Edit – Copy or use the keyboard shortcut, Command C for a MAC or Control C for a PC
  6. From the main menu, go to Edit – Paste Special – Paste Into

There you have it! You have created a Rounded Corners Selection in Photoshop. Thanks for watching