Call to Action (Web Marketing)

Type of Call to Action Banner Ads

Call to action (CTA) is an action or instruction to the users to provoke an immediate response such as ‘Call Now,’ ‘Find out more,’ etc. It is an essential part of web marketing for a website. Call to Action ads come in a variety of shapes and sizes. While each CTA aims to get visitors to perform a specific action, that action can vary considerably. If possible, use your call to action to give users information about what they’re be about to receive if they click on the button. What’s in it for them?

The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) – specifies 24 different sizes, according to pixel dimensions. A pixel is the smallest unit of colour used to make up images on a computer or television screen. The IAB’s
standard banner sizes are:
Internet Advertising Bureau specifies 24 different sizes

The following are examples of Call to Action online:Samples of Call to Action Banner ads

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