
Working with Master Pages in InDesign

How to add page numbers using master pages in InDesign

So, why would we want to use master pages?

Master pages allow you to automate page layout changes. For instance, if you have a 32-page report, you wouldn’t want to manually add page numbers by hand? 

Working with master pages allows you to place an object, type, or artwork on the master page and appear on all the document pages. Page numbers can be positioned in the same spot on every page that has a master applied to it. You could also use master pages to store design alternatives such as different column layouts or margin settings.

Automate Page Numbers in InDesign:

For example, we will automate page numbers on our master pages. If you haven’t or don’t know how to use InDesign, do watch the ‘How to Use Adobe InDesign‘ to see the basics skills of using InDesign

Let’s set up the title and page number for the time being. You can be fancy once you learn how to do things. 

Next up, let’s set up the title, page numbering and the circle behind the page number. If I want to change the title’s name, I could automatically change this on the master page, and it would change all the other pages for me!

If you noticed, I could select the master page in the pages panel, but I am not working on them.  Double-click, and this will open the master page in the document window…this method is preferred because you know for sure you are using the correct page!

Now, let’s add text boxes, graphics, or any other elements you want on the master page. Facing pages are two sides to the master page, left-hand and right-hand. Any items placed on the master page will now appear on the document page. 

Page number markers are commonly added to master pages. When master pages are applied to document pages, the page numbering is updated automatically, similar to headers and footers. If you pick up any magazine, book, newspaper, you can see page numbers and the title’s name on each page.

Adding Page Numbers on a Master Page:

  1. In the Pages panel, double-click the master page to which you want to add your page number. The left side will be all your even pages, and the right side will be all the odd pages.
  2. Create a new text frame large enough to hold the most extended page number and any text you want to appear next to it. Position the text frame where you want the page number to appear. 
  3. If your document has facing pages, create separate text frames for the left and right master pages.
  4. In the page number text frame, add any text that will come before or after the page number.
  5. Position the insertion point where you want the page number to appear (or select the number) and then choose Type> Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number.
  6. Your number or letter should automatically change to the letter ‘A’ to correspond A-Master. This is correct! If you have two master pasters, ‘B-Master,’ then that Special marker would be ‘B-Master.’
  7. You should be able to see the effect on your regular pages in the Pages panel.
  8. To add a page number on the right side, repeat steps 1-4. Or select the left text frame, copy and paste this on the right-hand side.
  9. If you have multiple master pages, you will need to apply the master page to the document pages you want the page numbering to appear. 


  • If you place anything on the Master Pages, the items will be locked on the regular pages. 
  • If you want to unlock things from the Master Pages of your document, Hold Command-Shift click on the frame on a MAC, and Control-Shift click on the frame on a PC 
  • When you are ready to work on the other pages, make sure DOUBLE CLICK on a page number in the pages panel, and you are OFF the MASTER PAGES!